Monday, June 12, 2023

Time to Stew

      There are certain things you do when you have time to stew.  You don’t really do the things you told yourself you’d do.  That room that was a complete mess is still a mess.  The garage still needs just a few things taken out before the car really fits.
      Speaking of fits, none of the clothes you said you were going to throw away got thrown away.  You found out if your favorite video chat app worked or if it sucked.
     Companies that told you working from home was a logistical nightmare and not a possibility strangely had you up and running in a home office over the weekend.  They not only had you up and running, they would contact you at strange hours to make sure you were doing the nothing they knew you had to do.  It’s like their job went from managing to micromanaging.  They knew there was nothing to do so they made up little bullshit tasks and then tracked said bullshit tasks, while expecting you to do the “job”.
     Streaming sites are like gym memberships.  You have them but you don’t use them as often as you said you would.  Just like the gym memberships, even though you don’t use them, you still pay for them.  You even have a routine all set.  Monday watch this show.  Tuesday watch that show.  It’s amazing how much time is spent just scrolling over new shit that will just get tossed to the back of the favorites list.
     Speaking of the favorites list, the list of “Favorites” is now so long that it would take you two years to get through them even with a worldwide shutdown!
     Streaming services were NOT used to people paying money and actually getting their money’s worth.  It could have been one of the things that caused the spike in pricing and the crackdown on password sharing.
     I found a pair of my favorite sweats and a sweet spot on my couch.  Most of the shows I streamed had aired their last episode 5 to 10 years earlier so I was able to binge from breakfast to bedtime.
     As long as I checked and responded to emails or voicemails at specific points during the day everything was ok.
     There was no great room clean out.  There was no kitchen redo.  There was no home gym expansion.  The attic was still a mess and the basement still needed some attention.
     There was also no fighting traffic on major highways or hunting for parking spaces in full parking lots.  For the first two weeks there was a lot of stewing and streaming, wondering and dreaming.  Even the machines enjoyed the peace and quiet.
     As a break between shows, I would watch drone footage of the empty cities.  It was amazing.  Sadly, there were also horror stories of people being trapped on cruises or in countries without a way to get home.  There were also horror stories of forced lockdowns where people were trapped in their apartments.
     People were on a hamster wheel that went from inaction to overreaction to blame to denial to hysteria and it all played out everywhere from the worldwide stage to comfy quiet little couches.
     I took my time to find a few more favorites to add to the list.  I also took the time to stew on what to do once that list was through.