Monday, January 31, 2022

The Outfit

      There is a certain outfit I wear when going to buy a new phone/tablet/watch.  I go directly to the phone/tablet/watch store to check them out in person.  I can’t just order it online.  The option is there but with purchases like this, walking out of the store with the item in hand is the preferred experience.
     There is a satisfaction derived from riding home with a new phone/tablet/watch on the passenger’s seat.  I can feel it tempting me to open it.  I want to open it but I also want to wait to get to the comfort of my own home.
     The job at the tech sales company was good for a few things.  Sometimes if you did well enough vendors would give you shirts, sweaters, pens, and other general swag as a thank you for selling their items.  Most of those things were donated to the local charities as soon as the job ended.  No point in having useless items around to harbor bad memories.
     Some things were kept for their practical use.  There was a fleece that was as warm as a comforter.  There were multiple water bottles.  Each bottle had it’s special purpose.  There was a UV light bottle.  There was a stainless steel bottle.  There was a recycled plastics bottle.  There was a crazy coffee mug and state of the art thermos.
     There were pens galore.  I gave these to bartenders and waitresses on top of tips.  There were minimalist wallets, umbrellas, snow globes, mirrors, and backpacks.
     I just happened to have a t-shirt, zip up hoodie, pen, and water bottle combo from the phone/tablet/watch company.  The last time I walked into the phone/tablet/watch store wearing this little combination you’d have thought I was a naked supermodel.
     The color of the outfit was different from the people working the floor.  It was also different from management.  Whispering hinted that an exec from corporate was in the building checking up on customer service.  I was respectful.  I answered only the most basic questions.  I was treated like royalty.
     Unfortunately this time the outfit didn’t help.  The color I had set my sights on was out of stock.  Apparently Black was that years new Black and it was flying off the shelves.
     The next delivery would be in two weeks.  There was something going on in China.  I thought back to Tony and Amber’s worry about him. 
     “Is there another location where I might pick one up sooner?  I don’t know if this little phone will make it two weeks.”
     The crew that works at this store were so perky and happy it was almost sickening.
     “I can check the system to see if there are any in the general area,”  She said.  Her deep brown eyes sparkled against her olive skin.  Her face reminded me of someone but I just couldn’t place it.
     “Thank you, Kyiana,” I said reading her name tag.  “That would be wonderful.”
     The phone/tablet/watch store is a sight to behold.  There was pristine presentation, friendly staff, and experts ready to answer any questions you might have.  They were doing everything possible to justify the incredibly high prices they charged.
     “There are six available.”
     “In the state.”
     “Damn it.”
     “You can always have it delivered to your house.”
     “I know,” I said tapping the beautiful wooden table.  I thought about the drive home with the phone in hand.
     “Where is the closest one?”  I asked, determined to walk out of a store with phone in hand.
     “No problem, sir,” her energy was infectious.
     I looked at the screen and laughed to myself.  Grocery Girl’s cell phone store was on the way to my Mom’s house.  It wasn’t the closest but it was pretty high on the list.
     The only place more comfortable than my house was my Mom’s house.    The only thing more satisfying then the thought of driving home with the new phone on the passenger’s seat was knowing I now had a rock solid reason to get good with Grocery Girl.

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