Monday, December 26, 2016

Whine & Wings

     "Yeah," she said.  "You sound a bit whiny."  This was the first time we had gotten together since she played designated driver.  Rather than put her through another drunken tirade I thought she would appreciate wings on the water at my second favorite bar.
     "The market sucks.  It's been almost three months.  I've had a few nibbles but no real bites."  I said dipping the wings into the tasty blue cheese.
     "It's not whiny crybaby whiny but it still sounds like you're whining.  Holy shit these wings are good!"  She did a little wiggle in her chair as she covered her mouth with her napkin.
     "Did you try the HR contact at my company?"
     "I got shot down.  I decided to be honest and let her know that I was fired.  She couldn't get off the phone fast enough.  It was like 'Oh...hey...yeah I forgot I have another meeting with someone else who is going to get this job.  Sorry.'  Meh.  There are other jobs out there.  I have the comfort of knowing I was true to myself."
     "Yeah, I mean she didn't even give me five minutes..."
     "No.  No. No!"  She interrupted looking like a one cheeked chipmunk.  "You told her you had been fired?!?"
     "Of course I did.  She asked.  What am I going to do?  Lie to her now then be fired later for lying to her?"
     "You don't have to lie.  You tell them that after ten years you felt that it was time for new challenges."
     "New challenges like what?  Job Hunting?"  We both laughed a bit.  "You sure I can't say I was fired by a guy with a small cock trying to prove he's somebody to people who don't care?"
     "No," she said dipping another wing.  "That's probably not in your best interest either."
     "You do realize this is what I meant by 'Whine' & Wings, right?"  I said making air quotes.
     "Nice.  You're ok, right?". She said wiping her hands with a napkin.
     "I'm all right.  I have more contingency plans than Batman.  I mean this goes on too much longer and things could get bad but right now I'm ok."
     "What about that girl you talked about?" she asked changing the subject.  "What about the moment you mentioned?"
     I looked up and caught a quick glimpse of myself in the mirror behind the bottles again.  This time I saw a man who had laid his soul bare.  I saw a man who had made a decision and was comfortable with the direction it had taken him.
     "I got shot down.  She asked about forever.  I decided to be honest and let her know I couldn't promise forever when I didn't know what the next day would bring."
     "Sorry," she said finishing her first glass, "I think it's time we replace the whine with wine.  Agreed?"
     "As long as you don't think I'm some guy with a small cock trying to prove he's somebody to people who don't care we'll be fine."
     She put down her wine glass and grabbed her purse.
    "Seriously?!?" I asked with eyes wide open.
     "No, I don't think that would be in my best interest because there are still tasty wings left and my glass is empty." she said doing a little wiggle in her chair.  "Bar tender," she said smiling, "more wine!"

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