Monday, March 13, 2023

Conference In California

      “Just as a precaution, and let me say I think it is far too much, Harris, Harris & Rickman has opted not to have their ‘Conference in California’ event this year,” announced the owner of the firm.  “They’re freaked out.  This whole thing is going to blow over.  Personally, I think they’re going to be hating themselves in May when half the firms are referring someone else.  Cowards.”
     “I mean is it really that bad?” asked one of the secretaries.
     “Of course not!” He said.  “The president just gave a conference last week saying this is a problem in Chiii-naaa,” he laughed to himself a bit, imitating the commander in chief.  “Besides, we all wash our hands.”
     “I know he’s your favorite,” stated another secretary, “but that man is just a horrible human being.”
     “Careful,” he said, hands confidently crossed in his lap.  “You are quite possibly talking about the greatest president since George Washington.”  He wasn’t kidding.  
     One of the female account reps just rolled her eyes and walked back to her office.
     “So the Conference in California is canceled?  Ok.  I need to book up some appointments for that week.”
     “I mean, didn’t they already buy the tickets for everyone and reserve the hotels?”  I thought about Amber’s canceled meetings and Tom saying the situation in China was worse than anyone actually knew.
     “They’ll just write this shit off,” the owner stated, “then they’ll suffer in the summer.”
     “Did you ever see that movie with that guy from Boston and that super hot English guy about the virus … you know the one where the mother and son died in the first 10 minutes?” started the secretary.
     “Seriously,” said the female rep.  “What the fuck?”
     “Look,” said the owner, “the greatest president of our lifetime just said there shouldn’t be a problem, so there shouldn’t be a problem.”
     I felt my stomach churn.  It had been so obvious for so long.  This was the final straw that let me know I had to get out.  Most of the time I admired the owner’s enthusiasm but let me say this time I think it was far too much.

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